Guthrie, OK 73044

How To Repair Shoes

How To Repair Shoes

5.00 out of 5
(1 customer review)


“How to Repair Shoes” Frank West

1 review for How To Repair Shoes

  1. 5 out of 5

    Jonas (verified owner)

    Super clear scans, all pictures, diagrams and texts looking sharp and easy to read.

    The book itself is from a time where how to books actually lived up to their names. There are instructions in adding a patch to the front of a shoe and these are followed with clear sketches to aid the reader in the job.

    The first part of the book concerning how to keep a shop looking good is universal and just as relevant today as it was in 1912. The author was well aware of the importance of keeping a shop clean and organized, as it instills trust in the customers that this is a place that does first class work.

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